I was teaching a class of about thirty adult students – they were mostly in their twenties – in a tertiary Communication course, on the use of Pecha Kucha, when one student, a quiet, 20-year-old young man, asked if he could make a presentation to the class, there and then. I accepted his offer.
He inserted a USB into the room computer and projected onto a large screen one image only – a photograph of two young men kissing one another, fully, on the mouth. There was a gasp from the audience, then silence, and in the silence, he turned to face them and said, “I have just come out.”
There was another gasp from his fellow students, then one student clapped, then another, and another, until they were all standing and clapping. He sat down without saying another word.

Walking the streets of Florence with my friend, Avio
Porta Blindata
“The door to my apartment is a porta blindata,” says Avio. “It is reinforced metal with three bolt locks, top, middle and bottom. Even dog houses have these doors in Italy.”
“Why?” I ask.
“We put these locks on our doors just so we can feel better. In Italy, they come through the walls.”
Posted: Tuesday 12 April 2022