Writer, opera singer, film director and producer

Listen to the sounds

Listen to the sounds

Sometimes, when I’m having trouble going to sleep, I escape into these sounds...

Close your eyes, and focus on the sounds you can hear, isolate each sound, try to identify each sound, then open your eyes  

Close your eyes, and focus on the sounds coming from OUTSIDE the room you are in, 
isolate each sound, try to identify each sound, then open your eyes  

Close your eyes, and focus on the sounds coming from INSIDE the room you are in, 
isolate each sound, try to work out what is making each sound, then open your eyes.
Just for a moment, did you NOT hear the sounds coming from outside the room?  

Close your eyes, and focus on the sounds of your own BREATHING. Follow it in and out, for a while, then open your eyes.
Just for a moment, did you NOT hear the sounds coming from inside or outside the room?  

Close your eyes, and focus on the sounds of your own HEART BEATING. It may help to put a hand over your heart briefly, then open your eyes.
Just for a moment, did you NOT hear the sounds coming from inside or outside the room, or your breathing?  



Walking the streets of Florence with my friend, Avio

The carabinieri

“One day the carabinieri come into a bar where I am drinking” says Avio. “They ask for everyone’s documents, but they do not ask for mine. They ignore me like I am fridge in the corner. They take the documents out to their patrol car and study them. The men and women in the bar stare at me. I stare back at them. The carabinieri return and hand them their documents. I ask them if they want mine. They shake their heads and leave. I finish my drink quickly and leave. I cannot go back to that bar.”


Posted: Thursday 20 January 2022


  • I could just imagine this scene, so funny!
    Looking forward to new posts "Walking with Avio".
    Posted: 2022-02-15 21:45   by Natalia Valentino

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